Seventh Generation

14. Annie Gell7 Naylor (James6, Joseph5, Charles4, James3, Joseph2, George1) was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England 12 July 1874. Annie died 6 February 1958 in Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, at 83 years of age.

She married Walter Pickard 7 July 1904. Walter was born 24 May 1877. Walter died 14 August 1966 at 89 years of age. Walter was the first "non-Cadbury" to become director of Cadburys, rising from office boy in 1895 to chief buyer, and retiring in 1938. He went back to work in the 40's however, presumably because of the lack of manpower during the war.

Pickard Family ca 1911
Agnes & Frances
Walter & Annie
Frances 1954
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 Annie Gell Naylor and Walter Pickard had the following children:

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