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Battey, Alexander Raiford (i28623), b.1827-d.
Battey, Julia Ann (i28622), b.1825-d.
Battey, William Paul (i28625), b.1836-d.1838
Battey, Zephaniah Ramsdell (i28624), b.1833-d.


Briggs, Bradford Russell (i28586), b.1852-d.
Briggs, Infant (i28585), b.1848-d.1848
Briggs, Lucetta (i28587), b.1857-d.


Burlingame, Susanna (i28596), b.1835-d.1909


Field, Eliza M. (i28615), b.1834-d.1882
Field, Isaac N. (i28616), b.1837-d.1857


Johnson, Byron W. (i28608), b.1843-d.1866
Johnson, Christopher (i28604), b.1836-d.
Johnson, Mary (i28605), b.1838-d.
Johnson, Nancy W. (i28607), b.1841-d.
Johnson, Nathan Ramsdell (i28606), b.1840-d.


Kenney, Mary (i9291), b.1832-d.


LeValley, Abbie M. (i28580), b.1839-d.
LeValley, Clara F. (i28579), b.1836-d.1908
LeValley, George W. (i28575), b.1824-d.
LeValley, Hannah (i28578), b.1832-d.1834
LeValley, Hattie Josephine (i28581), b.1845-d.1865
LeValley, Mary Eliza (i28577), b.1829-d.
LeValley, Mirandor Brown (i28574), b.1823-d.1832
LeValley, William Henry (i28576), b.1826-d.1829


Mathewson, Arnold P. (i28646), b.1835-d.
Mathewson, Chatman R. (i28649), b.1843-d.1843
Mathewson, Eliza M. (i28652), b.1853-d.
Mathewson, Henry Clay (i28651), b.1847-d.1921
Mathewson, John Raiford (i28650), b.1845-d.1910


Matteson, Ann Eliza (i28600), b.1820-d.
Matteson, Halilah R. (i28599), b.1819-d.
Matteson, Sarah R. (i28603), b.1827-d.
Matteson, Stephen T. (i28601), b.1823-d.
Matteson, William Henry (i28602), b.1824-d.


Ramsdell, Abigail (i9043), b.1774-d.
Ramsdell, Abijah (i9022), b.1768-d.1826
Ramsdell, Abijah (i9026), b.1745-d.1820
Ramsdell, Abijah (i9051), b.1717-d.
Ramsdell, Adaline French (i8918), b.1845-d.1895
Ramsdell, Adelide M. (i28559), b.1845-d.1875
Ramsdell, Alfred B. (i28643), b.1842-d.
Ramsdell, Almira (i9480), b.1814-d.
Ramsdell, Amos (i9049), b.1737-d.
Ramsdell, Ann Maria (i9294), b.1837-d.
Ramsdell, Annie Maria (i9440), b.1873-d.
Ramsdell, Arthur Dinsmore (i9442), b.1863-d.
Ramsdell, Augusta H. (i9110), b.1839-d.1865
Ramsdell, Benoni (i28545), b.1807-d.1831
Ramsdell, Cassius Leland (i28671), b.1849-d.
Ramsdell, Catherine Augusta (i9521), b.1849-d.
Ramsdell, Celia (i28522), b.1814-d.1902
Ramsdell, Charles (i8743), b.1807-d.1863
Ramsdell, Charles A. (i28567), b.1854-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Augustus (i9971), b.1836-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Erskine (i10361), b.1831-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Ezra (i28661), b.1850-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Henry (i9100), b.1842-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Henry (i9283), b.1840-d.
Ramsdell, Charles Theodore (i9424), b.1865-d.
Ramsdell, Clara (i10001), b.1843-d.
Ramsdell, Clara Adeline (i28681), b.1879-d.
Ramsdell, Clara E. (i28644), b.1852-d.
Ramsdell, Cordelia (i28511), b.1822-d.
Ramsdell, Daniel S. (i9148), b.1792-d.
Ramsdell, Daniel S. (i9287), b.1819-d.
Ramsdell, David (i28508), b.1820-d.
Ramsdell, Delia (i28544), b.1805-d.1849
Ramsdell, Deliverence (i28516), b.1796-d.1797
Ramsdell, Edward E. (i10284), b.1840-d.1841
Ramsdell, Edward Ellis (i9434), b.1844-d.
Ramsdell, Eliza Maria (i28548), b.1813-d.1835
Ramsdell, Eliza O. (i28520), b.1802-d.1876
Ramsdell, Elizabeth C. (i28659), b.1846-d.1846
Ramsdell, Ellen A. (i28557), b.1838-d.1886
Ramsdell, Ellen E. (i28563), b.1835-d.
Ramsdell, Emeline (i28505), b.1812-d.
Ramsdell, Emeline A. (i28556), b.1836-d.1914
Ramsdell, Emma Elizabeth (i28678), b.1867-d.
Ramsdell, Erastus Worthington (i28487), b.1787-d.1827
Ramsdell, Erastus Worthington (i28506), b.1815-d.
Ramsdell, Esek (i28515), b.1794-d.1797
Ramsdell, Esek (i28542), b.1801-d.1886
Ramsdell, Esther Bowen (i28662), b.1854-d.
Ramsdell, Ezra (i9297), b.1751-d.1827
Ramsdell, Ezra (i28489), b.1791-d.1793
Ramsdell, Ezra (i28490), b.1794-d.1822
Ramsdell, Ezra (i28497), b.1770-d.1853
Ramsdell, Ezra Bowen (i28552), b.1821-d.1891
Ramsdell, Francis Herbert (i9113), b.1835-d.
Ramsdell, Frank B. (i28674), b.1876-d.
Ramsdell, Franklin Henry (i28679), b.1869-d.
Ramsdell, Frederic Bendon (i8729), b.1848-d.
Ramsdell, George Allen (i10233), b.1834-d.1900
Ramsdell, George Gould (i28660), b.1848-d.
Ramsdell, Grace Spencer (i28680), b.1873-d.
Ramsdell, H. Olin (i28675), b.1879-d.1886
Ramsdell, Hannah (i9164), b.1740-d.
Ramsdell, Hannah (i9217), b.1772-d.
Ramsdell, Hannah (i28496), b.1769-d.1840
Ramsdell, Hannah (i28531), b.1797-d.
Ramsdell, Hannah Peabody (i10242), b.1831-d.1864
Ramsdell, Harriet (i28543), b.1803-d.1884
Ramsdell, Harriett (i9957), b.1835-d.
Ramsdell, Harry William (i9444), b.1862-d.
Ramsdell, Harvey (i28507), b.1817-d.
Ramsdell, Hathorn (i9047), b.1754-d.1823
Ramsdell, Hattie L. (i28667), b.1849-d.
Ramsdell, Henrietta R. (i8921), b.1843-d.
Ramsdell, Henry (i9481), b.1821-d.
Ramsdell, Henry (i28535), b.1818-d.1818
Ramsdell, Henry Emerson (i6829), b.1837-d.
Ramsdell, Henry Franklin (i28562), b.1833-d.
Ramsdell, Henry Lyman (i28501), b.1810-d.
Ramsdell, Hepsibah (i9045), b.1738-d.
Ramsdell, Herbert (i10194), b.1849-d.
Ramsdell, Hezekiah F. (i28560), b.1847-d.
Ramsdell, Hezekiah S. (i28558), b.1843-d.1843
Ramsdell, Hezekiah Stocking (i28500), b.1804-d.1877
Ramsdell, Hezekiah Stocking (i28565), b.1843-d.
Ramsdell, Horace Day (i28663), b.1855-d.
Ramsdell, Huldah (i9349), b.1802-d.1804
Ramsdell, Isaac (i9042), b.1776-d.
Ramsdell, James Monroe (i28553), b.1823-d.1855
Ramsdell, Joab Colvin (i28546), b.1808-d.1809
Ramsdell, John (i10246), b.1809-d.
Ramsdell, John (i28498), b.1772-d.1839
Ramsdell, John (i28549), b.1815-d.1887
Ramsdell, John (i28664), b.1860-d.1861
Ramsdell, John Moore (i10063), b.1830-d.
Ramsdell, Jonathan (i9050), b.1737-d.
Ramsdell, Julius (i28486), b.1784-d.
Ramsdell, Laura (i28510), b.1820-d.
Ramsdell, Lillas (i28495), b.1767-d.1794
Ramsdell, Lillias (i28530), b.1793-d.1888
Ramsdell, Love (i9355), b.1795-d.
Ramsdell, Maria (i9477), b.1848-d.
Ramsdell, Maria (i10076), b.1839-d.1839
Ramsdell, Maria (i28533), b.1807-d.1808
Ramsdell, Maria Moore (i9890), b.1836-d.1837
Ramsdell, Maria Theresa (i10292), b.1841-d.
Ramsdell, Mariah (i9244), b.1823-d.
Ramsdell, Martha T. (i9484), b.1817-d.
Ramsdell, Mary (i9039), b.1784-d.
Ramsdell, Mary (i9226), b.1747-d.
Ramsdell, Mary (i9314), b.1805-d.1891
Ramsdell, Mary (i9376), b.1797-d.1804
Ramsdell, Mary (i9543), b.1805-d.
Ramsdell, Mary (i28538), b.1813-d.1837
Ramsdell, Mary A. (i28521), b.1804-d.1883
Ramsdell, Mary Adaline (i9403), b.1832-d.1832
Ramsdell, Mary Adaline (i9498), b.1836-d.
Ramsdell, Mary Adelaide (i10094), b.1846-d.
Ramsdell, Mary E. (i28641), b.1839-d.1841
Ramsdell, Mary Maria (i10271), b.1833-d.1833
Ramsdell, Mary Russell (i9502), b.1870-d.
Ramsdell, Morritt (i28564), b.1837-d.
Ramsdell, Nathan (i28534), b.1802-d.1833
Ramsdell, Oliver (i9348), b.1815-d.
Ramsdell, Pauline Emma (i28537), b.1809-d.1876
Ramsdell, Phebe (i28519), b.1800-d.1831
Ramsdell, Priscilla (i28532), b.1804-d.1881
Ramsdell, Priscilla (i28550), b.1817-d.1903
Ramsdell, Rebecca (i9020), b.1781-d.
Ramsdell, Rebecca F. (i10285), b.1837-d.1838
Ramsdell, Robert (i9041), b.1778-d.
Ramsdell, Robert (i9325), b.1800-d.1809
Ramsdell, Robert (i9372), b.1812-d.
Ramsdell, Robert (i9545), b.1809-d.1809
Ramsdell, Robert Wilson (i9290), b.1847-d.
Ramsdell, Ruth (i28536), b.1805-d.1876
Ramsdell, Samuel Allen (i28672), b.1851-d.
Ramsdell, Sarah (i9021), b.1770-d.
Ramsdell, Sarah (i9276), b.1747-d.
Ramsdell, Sarah (i9377), b.1793-d.
Ramsdell, Sarah (i28488), b.1790-d.1791
Ramsdell, Sarah (i28503), b.1808-d.
Ramsdell, Sarah Adeline (i28566), b.1848-d.
Ramsdell, Selden (i28509), b.1820-d.
Ramsdell, Solomon (i9046), b.1744-d.
Ramsdell, Solon (i28485), b.1780-d.1813
Ramsdell, Stephen L. (i28642), b.1840-d.
Ramsdell, Stephen Raiford (i28554), b.1825-d.1877
Ramsdell, Susan Martin (i28517), b.1797-d.1867
Ramsdell, Theodore George (i7842), b.1833-d.
Ramsdell, Timothy Harradon (i9847), b.1840-d.1841
Ramsdell, Walter T. (i28665), b.1863-d.1864
Ramsdell, William (i9023), b.1766-d.1842
Ramsdell, William (i9048), b.1740-d.
Ramsdell, William (i9109), b.1803-d.1889
Ramsdell, William (i28494), b.1765-d.1845
Ramsdell, William (i28551), b.1819-d.1844
Ramsdell, William (i28683), b.1784-d.
Ramsdell, William B. (i28504), b.1810-d.
Ramsdell, William Humphrey (i10243), b.1830-d.1879
Ramsdell, Zephaniah (i9277), b.1742-d.
Ramsdell, Zephaniah (i28547), b.1810-d.1898


Sheldon, Almira P. (i28627), b.1832-d.1902
Sheldon, Ann E. (i28628), b.1833-d.1914
Sheldon, Benoni R. (i28629), b.1834-d.1838
Sheldon, Ellen M. (i28631), b.1842-d.
Sheldon, Joseph Tillinghast (i28630), b.1839-d.
Sheldon, Lucy H. (i28637), b.1836-d.1838
Sheldon, Sarah J. (i28633), b.1846-d.
Sheldon, Sidney A. (i28634), b.1848-d.
Sheldon, William J. (i28632), b.1843-d.


Warner, Eliza Maria (i28612), b.1838-d.
Warner, Emma (i28613), b.1840-d.


Warren, Lydia Henry (i28583), b.1825-d.


Wilbur, Charles (i28590), b.1816-d.
Wilbur, Ezra Ramsdell (i28589), b.1815-d.
Wilbur, Maria (i28571), b.1815-d.
Wilbur, Phebe (i28591), b.1818-d.
Wilbur, Sarah Millard (i28592), b.1822-d.
Wilbur, Stephen Henry (i28594), b.1831-d.
Wilbur, Sterry Burlingame (i28593), b.1828-d.
Wilbur, William Ramsdell (i28572), b.1817-d.

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